Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It's Tooth-Fairy Time

Well, it's official. I jinxed myself. Just 10 days ago I said to a friend that I was sooo not ready for the whole loose tooth phase. I know that most kids start loosing their baby teeth during Kindergarten, and Kindergarten is a mere 4 weeks away. Well, apparently, Bella decided she wants to enter Kindergarten with a little over-achiever status. She announced proudly tonight after flossing her teeth, that she has a loose tooth. I've heard this before. Pretty much every day since her friend Susie lost her first tooth in March. I went to see her "loose tooth" and low and behold, she has a loose tooth. A very loose tooth. I got very excited. Then I panicked a bit, which made Bella get a little teary-eyed herself. She said she was almost crying because she was so excited. She wanted to show our neighbor and her BFF Susie, so off we went. Then she wanted to call all her grandmas and garndpas and aunts and uncles. And she did. She announced to each person and tried to explin which tooth is loose. I assured all parties that we will not be pulling teeth. I am perfectly happy to let nature take its course here. So now i guess the big question is when and how much. How much does the tooth fairy deliver these days? I've heard it all from a silver dollar to a twenty. I'm definitely leaning more towards the silver dollar.


  1. Oh how exciting!!! Madeleine lost her first tooth towards the end of kindergarden, but Noah already has a loose tooth before it starts as well.

    We pay the dollar when it comes down to a tooth, but I have a stash of "special Tooth Fairy" tooth brushes & sample tooth paste that I also leave. On top of that, the tooth fairy always leaves a little fairy dust behind (except for that one time when the glitter exploded and she left a lot!).

    And Madeleine hates for her teeth to be pulled. So we just wait for her to bite into something (or have her brother kick it out by accident one time) and they come out the easy way. When her top two teeth were lose, it grossed me out because they were barely hanging by a thread and they dangled all over the place as she would speak. It was disgusting, but she wouldn't let me near the darn things. There are a couple pictures where her teeth look all crooked, but that was because they were so loose! Haha!

    Have fun with this! :)

  2. The tooth fairy in my house left silver dollars...20 years ago! Our tooth fairy had a hard time finding teeth under pillows, so my sister and I had to leave our teeth on the dresser...where a silver dollar would appear in its place in the morning. Then, my dad would ask to "keep the silver dollar safe for us." If you want to be really frugal, you could do that too...and all those teeth across all your children could cost the tooth fairy only one silver dollar!
